Experimental Studies on The Mechanism and Control of Secondary Flow Losses in Turbine Cascades

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:21stsun
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This paper summarizes the results of the authors’ 4 year experimental studies on the secondary flow losses in turbine cascades. Cascade wind tunnel experiments were carried out concerning the influence of aspect ratios, incidence, turning angles and outer endwall divergent angles in order to unveil the evolution mechanism of secondary flow losses in turbine cascades without end clearance. Some methods for controlling the secondary flows are investigated including the blade leaning, blade cambering, endwall convergence and leading edge extension at two ends of the blade. This paper summarizes the results of the authors’ 4 year experimental studies on the secondary flow losses in turbine cascades. Cascade wind tunnel experiments were worried about aspect ratios, incidence, turning angles and outer endwall divergent angles in order to unveil the evolution mechanism of secondary flow losses in turbine cascades without end clearance. Some methods for controlling the secondary flows are covered including the blade leaning, blade cambering, endwall convergence and leading edge extension at two ends of the blade.
275  她:“——您好。”  我:“嗯?你谁?从何地而来?”  她:“来了很久了。我,影子,您的追随者。”  我:“哦,干嘛来了?”  她:“之前,不就和您说好了吗?”  我:“我忘了。”  她:“我提示您,铜镜、白马、无忧圣地,还有——”  我:“忘了。一丝一毫痕迹也没有。”  280  影子,总是落在离自己不远的地方  捕捉到自己的影子  定要放生,但捕捉到  黑艄公脚下的舢板  就且在岸上
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