佛手是名贵的盆栽观果花卉,其果形奇特,色艳香浓。传统的盆栽法是以枸桔为砧木进行嫁接。但此法受砧木数量的限制,难以大量繁殖,而且育苗工序繁杂,成型慢(需2个月),结果迟(接后3—4年方结果)。为改进繁殖方法,郑州市紫荆山公园经过10年的试验,研究出了枝条扦插快速繁殖新技术。具体方法有两种: (1)埋条后扦插法 2月,于温室内选取生长健壮的1—2年生枝条作插穗,长10—15厘米,留3—4个芽。剪后以50个插条为一捆,埋藏在温室内的
Bergamot is a valuable potted ornamental flowers, the fruit-shaped peculiar, color Yan fragrant. The traditional method of potted plants is citrus rootstock grafting. But this method is limited by the number of rootstocks, it is difficult to multiply, and the nursery process is complicated, slow molding (take 2 months), the result is late (3-4 years after taking the results). To improve breeding methods, Zijin Park in Zhengzhou City, after 10 years of testing, developed a rapid propagation of branches cutting new technology. There are two specific methods: (1) Buried after cutting method February, in the greenhouse choose robust growing 1-2 year-old branches for cuttings, 10-15 cm long, leaving 3-4 buds. After cutting with 50 cuttings for a bundle, buried in the greenhouse