
来源 :新课程学习(下) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dengjuanjuan8288
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汉字是我国社会通用的思想交流的文字工具,识字是阅读、写作的基础,识字不过关,不但影响儿童语文水平的提高,而且严重地阻碍了其他各门学科的学习,限制儿童智力的发展。根据新课标的要求,小学生必须学会2500个左右的常用汉字,在低年级就要掌握2000个左右。可见,新的课程改革更把低年级识字教学列入重中之重的地位。作为农村小学的教师应如何培养低年级学生的识字能力,巩固提高识字效果呢?一、走进孩子了解需要,轻松识字孩子需要表扬、孩子需要赞美、孩子需要大拇指,孩子需要鼓 Chinese characters are the common language tools for social exchange of ideas. Literacy is the basis of reading and writing. Literacy does not affect the language proficiency of children. It also seriously hinders the learning of other disciplines and limits the development of children’s intelligence. According to the requirements of the new curriculum standards, primary school students must learn about 2500 commonly used Chinese characters, in the lower grades have to master about 2000. Can be seen, the new curriculum reform even put the lower grade literacy teaching top priority. As a teacher in rural primary schools, how to cultivate the literacy ability of the lower grades students and consolidate and improve the literacy effect? ​​First, into the children to understand the needs, easy literacy Children need praise, children need praise, children need thumbs, children need drums