一、菜粉蝶(Pieris rapac Linnaeus),属鱗翘目,粉蝶科。菜粉蝶,又叫菜青虫(幼虫),危害甘兰、白菜、油菜、萝卜等十字花科蔬菜十分严重,尤以甘兰受害最烈。菜粉蝶在晉东南地区,一年约发生四至五代,以末代蛹在墙壁、篱笆、屋簷、树干等向阳缝隙中或遗弃的菜叶、杂草下越冬。越冬蛹于翌年五月上、中旬开始羽化为成虫,直到九月底尚有成虫出现。成虫在晴天太阳出来以后非常活跃,在菜园及
First, cabbage butterfly (Pieris rapac Linnaeus), is a scaly head, Pieridae. Cabbage butterfly, also known as Pieris rapae (larvae), endanger cabbage, cabbage, rape, radish and other cruciferous vegetables is very serious, especially the strongest Kalan suffered. Cabbage butterfly in the southeastern region, occurs about four to five generations a year, the last generation of pupa in the walls, fences, eaves, trunk and other sunny gap or abandoned vegetables, weeds overwinter. Overwintering pupae began to emerge as adults in mid May, followed by adults in late September. Adults are very active in sunny days when the sun comes out, in the vegetable garden and