Deviation in Advertising English from a Stylistic Perspective

来源 :英语广场(学术研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maotou528
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Advertising English is viewed as an English style with such functional factors as attention value, readability, memorability, selling power. Commercial advertisements are the major concern of this paper. Deviation, namely the violation to the norms of a language, frequently appears in advertisements and can meet requirements of the style of advertising English. Due to limited space, this paper focuses on deviation on the phonological, graphological, lexical, grammatical, and semantic level. Analyzing deviation in advertising English can promote readers’ aesthetic and appreciative ability and encourage advertisers to create advertisements with more efficiency, novelty, innovation in more effective language. Advertising English is viewed as an English style with such functional factors as attention value, readability, memorability, selling power. Commercial advertisements are the major concern of this paper. Deviation, namely the violation to the norms of a language, frequently appears in advertisements and Due to the style of the style of advertising English. Due to limited space, this paper focuses on deviation on the phonological, graphological, lexical, grammatical, and semantic level. Analyzing deviation in advertising English can promote readers’ aesthetic and appreciative ability and encourage advertisers to create advertisements with more efficiency, novelty, innovation in more effective language.
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