Due to the non-convex nature of the loss function of the deep neural network, the backpropagation algorithm can easily fall into the local minima, and the weight of the first few layers of networks tends to be Not fully trained. For this reason, we introduce the limit learning algorithm to the training of deep neural network, and then we concatenate several sparse auto-coders trained by the second-order Hessian-Free method and then determine the weight of the final output layer by the regularized ELM algorithm. The results show that the second-order Hessian-Free method overcomes the jagged convergence problem of the steepest descent method and preserves the time and space cost of the Newton method for calculating the Hessian matrix. The locomotive vibration data is transformed into the frequency domain by using discrete Fourier transform and quantum Fourier transform, respectively. The results show that the network generalization ability and training speed have been improved significantly.