1997年5月19日我们接到病区1例药物热原因的调查任务,现报告如下: 患者,男,63岁,住院号2722因丘脑出血,左侧肢体偏瘫,于1997年5月1日入院,体温正常(药物治疗见表1)后病情明显好转,10d以后病人体温骤然升高到40℃,伴头痛,考虑是呼吸道感染或输液反应,给予抗菌,抗病毒,抗过敏,退热等处理。5月12日下午体温38℃,继输液结束体温40℃,临床排除疟疾,经对症处理并停用第4组药物,体温下降至正常。13日12h体温39.6℃,用酒精擦浴,严密观察至14日体温完全正常。5月14日主任医生查房,听取病情汇报,认为是药物所致,并停用一切输液,以后体温正常。5月15日无发热,但精神软,食欲差又给予补液支持,继续使用第4组药物输液至19日未见发热。
On May 19, 1997, we received a survey on the causes of drug fever in the ward. The report is as follows: Patient, male, 63 years old, hospital number 2722 Hemiplegia due to thalamic hemorrhage, left limb, May 1, 1997 Admission, normal temperature (drug treatment in Table 1) after the condition improved significantly after 10d the patient’s temperature suddenly increased to 40 ℃, with headache, consider respiratory infections or infusion reactions, given antibacterial, anti-virus, anti-allergy, antipyretics deal with. On the afternoon of May 12, the body temperature was 38 ℃. After the end of infusion temperature was 40 ℃, malaria was eliminated clinically. After the symptomatic treatment and discontinuation of the fourth group of drugs, the temperature dropped to normal. On the 13th, the body temperature was 39.6 ℃ at 12h, rubbed with alcohol and closely observed until the body temperature was completely normal on the 14th. May 14 director of the doctor rounds, listen to the report of the disease, that is caused by the drug, and disable all infusion, body temperature after normal. May 15 without fever, but the spirit of soft, poor appetite and give rehydration support, continue to use the fourth group of drug infusion to 19 no fever.