端正认识深化学习黄中平当前在学习《邓小平文选》第三卷中,大多数党员干部是十分重视的,但有些同志还存在着种种模糊甚至错误的认识。这些思想不解决,势必会影响“用科学的理论武装人”这一战略任务落到实处。有的同志认为,《邓小平文选》第三卷讲的都是 有关社会主...
At the moment, most party members and cadres attach great importance to studying the third volume of Deng Xiaoping’s Selected Works. However, some comrades still have all kinds of vague and even wrong understanding. If these ideas are not resolved, it is bound to affect the strategic task of “armed people with scientific theories”. Some comrades think that the third volume of “Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping” is about the social ...