The concept of German construction planning has undergone three stages of development: the autarchy and freedom of construction of the police, the birth of the planning concept, and the formation of the concept of modern planning. Under the guidance of the concept of modern planning, the German construction plan has formed an orderly pattern of “three systems and one system” and has a scientific mode of preparation. The existing construction planning system consists of the overall space planning, the construction of guidance and planning and special planning of the three components, coordinated with each other, structured. The construction planning has a unique structure of the normative structure, free measurement of space and a wide range of participation procedures. Drawing on German experience, our country should continue its efforts in exploring the constitutional legitimacy of planning and management, promoting the formation of a unified planning system and strengthening the scientific nature of planning. China should truly incorporate the development of planning into the orbit of the rule of law, Implementation of the strategy to provide assistance.