我院于2010-01-15收治1例以急性哮喘持续状态为表现的急性大面积肺栓塞患者,现报道如下。1病历摘要男,65岁。于入院前2 h晨起坐位排大便起立时,突发喘息、呼吸困难。急查心电图:窦性心律,SⅠQⅢTⅢ,同时V1~V4
Our hospital in 2010-01-15 admitted to a case of acute asthma persistence for the performance of acute large area pulmonary embolism are reported below. 1 medical record summary male, 65 years old. In the morning before admission 2h sitting seat row stool rose, a sudden wheezing, breathing difficulties. Emergency ECG: sinus rhythm, S Ⅰ Q Ⅲ T Ⅲ, while V1 ~ V4