广播电视的全面数字化,在世界范围内已是新的趋势。进入21世纪,我国加快了数字电视的发展速度,一些大中城市的电视台已经逐渐实施数字电视播出。中国电视产业数字电视(Dtv)革命的帷幕已经拉开。我国数字电视产业发展采取何种模式,将对产业进程和市场启动产生重要影响。大多数业界人士认为:我国的数字电视应以有线为主要传输手段, 通过高清带动产业发展。本文将探讨有线电视网络面向数字化发展的问题。
The full digitization of radio and television has become a new trend worldwide. In the 21st century, China has accelerated the pace of development of digital television. Some large and medium-sized cities have gradually implemented digital television broadcasting. The curtain of the DTV revolution in China’s television industry has begun. China’s digital TV industry to adopt what model to take, will have a major impact on industrial processes and market launch. Most industry believes that: China’s digital television cable should be the main means of transmission, driven by high-definition industry. This article explores the digital-oriented development of cable television networks.