中国著名的电池专家、碱性蓄电池创始人何昂同志走完了人生道路的80个春秋,永远离开了我们,对此我们无不为之婉惜和悲痛。 1938年,年方22岁的他,刚从南京中央大学化工系毕业,就投身于我国电池事业,开始他漫长的创业路程。1953年出任副厂长兼总工程师,负责组织碱性镉镍蓄电池研究、开发工作。在他的指导下,1955年研制出中国第一只碱性镉镍蓄电池,这是碱性蓄电池发展史上的一个里程碑。
Heon, the famous Chinese battery expert and founder of alkaline storage battery, has walked away from us for 80 years in his life and left us forever. We are all sorry and saddened by this. In 1938, aged 22, he just graduated from Nanjing Central University Department of Chemical Engineering, to join our battery business, began his long journey. In 1953 as deputy director and chief engineer, responsible for organizing alkaline nickel-cadmium battery research and development work. Under his guidance, in 1955 developed China’s first alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries, which is a milestone in the history of alkaline batteries.