专业技术职务评聘工作,牵动着每一个专业技术工作者的心。搞得好能够充分调动人们的积极性。搞得不好则会挫伤广大专业技术人员的积极性和创造性。 笔者曾在1987——1988年,参加了本院图书资料系列职称评定学科小组,并参加了本院的非主系列(教师为主系列)职称初评委。经过工作实践,笔者深感专业技术职务评聘工作存在以下问题,亟待改善。 一、全国一统的弊端 我国的职称工作几乎一直都是全国一统,吃全国性的“大锅饭”。一搞全国都
Evaluation of professional and technical job duties, affecting every professional and technical workers in the heart. Well done to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of people. Well done will dampen the enthusiasm and creativity of the vast number of professional and technical personnel. I was in 1987 - 1988, participated in the library books series of titles assessment discipline group, and participated in the hospital’s non-master series (teacher-based series) title early jury. After the work practice, I deeply feel the following problems in the appraisal and appointment of professional and technical positions, and they are in urgent need of improvement. I. The Disadvantages of National Unification The work of the title of our country has always been the national “big pot” of unification of the whole country. One nationwide all