8月29日,AmberWave公司宣布与罗切斯特理工大学(Rochester Institute of Technology,RIT)共同获得美国自然科学基金会(NSF)的支持,项目为期三年。NSF的研究赞助将允许两家公司探索如何利用Aspect Ratio Trapping(ART)技术整合多个在硅平台上的半导体设备。ART技术是由Am-berWav
On August 29, AmberWave announced that it has received NSF support with the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) for three years. NSF’s research sponsorship will allow both companies to explore how to integrate multiple semiconductor devices on silicon platforms using Aspect Ratio Trapping (ART) technology. ART technology is powered by Am-berWav