
来源 :卫生研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yufengdetianxia
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为探讨伏马菌素与人类食管癌发生的关系 ,对食管癌高发区鹤壁市郊部分居民的伏马菌素摄入水平及尿二氢神经鞘氨醇 神经鞘氨醇 (Sa So)比值进行了调查。该地居民长期食用玉米 ,95 %的玉米样品检出了伏马菌素 ,其总伏马菌素含量 (伏马菌素B1、B2、B3之和 )为 7 2~ 72 6 8μg kg。估算受检者的伏马菌素摄入量为男性 0~ 4 84μg (kg·d) ,女性 0~ 4 0 4μg (kg·d)。检测他们的尿Sa So比值并与食管癌低发区睢县人群 (未接触伏马菌素 )比较 ,虽然两地女性尿Sa So比值间差异无显著性 ,但男性尿Sa So比值间差异存在显著性 ,食管癌高发区高于低发区。结果提示伏马菌素可能是食管癌发生的危险因素之一 To investigate the relationship between fumonisin and the occurrence of esophageal cancer in humans, the levels of fumonisin and urinary dihydrosphingosine (Sa So) ratios of some residents in the suburbs of Hebi, a high-risk area for esophageal cancer, were studied. survey. Residents of this area have long-term consumption of corn. Fumonisin was detected in 95% of corn samples. The total fumonisin content (the sum of fumonisins B1, B2, and B3) was 72–726.8 μg kg. The estimated fumonisin intake of the subjects was 0-84 μg (kg·d) for males and 0-400 μg (kg·d) for females. Their urinary Sa So ratios were measured and compared with those in the prevalence group (without fumonisin) in the low-prevalence area of ​​esophageal cancer. Although there was no significant difference in the urinary Sa So ratio between women in the two areas, the difference in the urinary Sa So ratio between men was present. Significantly, the high incidence area of ​​esophageal cancer is higher than the low incidence area. The results suggest that fumonisin may be one of the risk factors for esophageal cancer
突然想吃辣子肉丁。  按理,生活在杭城应该偏于甜食,而不是喜辣。可我们一家在吃糖醋黄瓜、糖排、红烧肉、油焖春笋的同时,放甜也放辣。不辣反而会觉得少了一层滋味,太平淡。故此,家里只会缺味精,绝不会少辣椒。圆椒、尖椒、干辣椒一应俱全。我们还用干辣椒熬油,直接用来拌面、拌海带等,相当到位过瘾。  一人提议,全家拥护。立马买回材料,烧红红的锅,将香干丁、尖椒丁、冬笋丁一齐倒入油里,让它们吃饱了油,熟了一半