编者按:上世纪80年代初,改革的萌动,开放的探路,悄悄改变着人们的生活,改变着古都北京的面貌。电视、冰箱、洗衣机被搬进低矮的大杂院;青年男女可以手拉手跳起集体舞,烫头染发;气功风靡一时,迷倒大批信众;老胡同在“拆”字中渐渐消失……这些30多年前的场景,是北京城的一段记忆,当这些画面又呈现在人们面前,凡是经历过的人一定会感到熟悉、亲切,仿佛回到30多年前。19 57年在北京出生的张兆增,自幼生活在胡同
Editor’s Note: The early 1980s, the reform of the germination, opening up the path of exploration, quietly changing people’s lives, changing the face of the ancient capital of Beijing. TV sets, refrigerators and washing machines were moved into the dwarf mansion; young men and women could hold hands together and dance together; and qigong swept away a large number of believers; the old alley gradually disappeared in the “demolition” The scene more than 30 years ago is a memory of Beijing. When these pictures are presented to people, those who have experienced are bound to feel familiar and cordial, as if returning to more than 30 years ago. Zhang Zhaosheng, born in Beijing in 1957, lived in an alley from his childhood