“神州5号”的成功曾一度将中国人的自豪感提升到极致,而在计算机领域,最近也有一件令我们感到极有脸面的事,那就是联想“深腾6800”超级计算机在国际上获得了认可。 “联想的成功将结束国外产品在中国高性能计算市场上的垄断。” ——香港《南华早报》2003年11月18日
The success of “Shenzhou 5” once raised the pride of the Chinese people to the limit. In the computer field, there has been a recent incident that made us feel very face-to-face with the Lenovo “Shenteng 6800” supercomputer in the world Received recognition. “Lenovo’s success will end the monopoly of foreign products in China’s high-performance computing market.” - South China Morning Post, Hong Kong 18 November 2003