
来源 :地下空间与工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yayiyefly
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以汉江白河县不同断面形式扶壁式挡土墙为例,设定不同水位降幅比n来模拟不同情形下挡土墙前后水位的动态变化,将理正设计软件和ANSYS有限元分析软件结合,计算不同墙前墙后水位组合下挡土墙的稳定安全系数和拉应力值。分析结果发现:水位骤降情况下,挡土墙稳定不利水深发生在水位降落过程中;墙后填土和挡土墙同高时,抗滑稳定性和抗倾覆稳定性的不利水深分别在挡土墙底部以上1/5~2/5和1/2处,受力不利水深变化范围较大;挡墙有悬臂段时,其抗滑稳定性和抗倾覆稳定性的不利水深分别在挡土墙底部以上1/5和1/4~2/5处,受力不利水深为墙前最大水深,且最大拉应力出现在悬臂段根部。初步提出了扶壁式挡土墙水位骤降情况下的稳定性和受力不利水深与墙高比取值的建议范围,给出了不同形式扶壁式挡土墙在水位骤降情况下的最大拉应力区,可供相关工程借鉴。 Taking the different sections of buttress retaining wall in Baihe County of Hanjiang River as an example, the dynamic change of water level before and behind retaining wall in different situations was simulated by setting the ratio n of water level drop. The combination of Lizheng design software and ANSYS finite element analysis software, Calculate the stability safety factor and the tensile stress value of the retaining wall under the combination of the water level behind the different wall. The analysis results show that under the condition of sudden drop of water level, the unfavorable water depth of the retaining wall occurs during the water level drop. When the backfill and the retaining wall are the same height, the unfavorable water depth of stability against skid and stability against overturning are in the range of 1/5 ~ 2/5 and 1/2 above the bottom of the earth wall, the unfavorable water depth has a wide range of change. When the wall has the cantilever section, the unfavorable water depth of the stability against skid and the stability against overturning are respectively in the earth retaining 1/5 and 1/4 ~ 2/5 above the bottom of the wall, the maximum water depth before the wall is affected by the unfavorable water depth, and the maximum tensile stress appears at the root of the cantilever section. The proposed range of the stability and the unfavorable water depth and the ratio of wall height to the wall thickness of the buttress type retaining wall is proposed. The largest tensile stress zone, for related projects for reference.
新时代中国特色社会主义社会的主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生 活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾,这表明新时代我国更加突出的问题是发展不平 衡不充分.高校毕
19世纪30—50年代,英国发生了一场持久的工人运动——宪章运动。50年代初,宪章派形成以乔治·哈尼(George Harney,1817—1897)和厄内斯特·琼斯(Ernest Jones1819—1869)分
为探究土壤容重影响花生生长的作用机制并为花生高产耕作栽培体系的建立提供理论依据,本试验以高产花生品种青花7号为材料,设置0~20 cm土层土壤容重分别为1.2、1.3 g/cm32个