人为什么要吃饭?是为了活着。 人活着为了什么?是为了幸福。 幸福是什么?是谁也说不清的想法。 从汗牛充栋、暗香飘渺的书丛中走出来,抖落掉那些光艳照人、精美绝伦的陈述,轻声追问任何一个问题,小心穿越一层层的定义,你总会走到定义之路的尽头,茫然面对弥漫的空无。这里无边无际,潮起潮落,长风吹拂,如同巨洋大海,生灭着无数纷纭多彩的梦想。 站在纽约繁华的大街上,近看摩天大楼,远观世界风云,一切是如此生动实在必然,但它们依旧经不起好奇的追问。都是梦想的投影,都是想象的回声,包括支撑着现代文明的科学,我们都来自将人类从动物分离出来的梦想。所以,一部科学史不是一个必然自足的发展过程,而是充满偶然,危机四伏,至今神秘莫测。
Why do people want to eat? To live. What is the purpose of living? Is to be happy. What is happiness? Who can not tell the idea. From the sweat filled, fragrant ethereal book bundle out, shake off those bright and beautiful, exquisite statement, whispered to any one question, carefully through the layers of definition, you will always come to the end of the definition of the road , Dazed in the face of diffuse empty. Here endless, ebb and flow, the wind blowing, as the vast ocean, birth and death of countless colorful dreams. Stand in the bustling New York Avenue, near the skyscraper, far from the world situation, everything is so vivid is inevitable, but they still can not stand the curious questioning. All are projections of dreams, all imaginary echoes, including the science that underpins modern civilization, and we all come from the dream of separating humans from animals. Therefore, a history of science is not a process of inevitable self-development, but full of chance and crisis, so far mysterious.