当你走进这座古老的城堡宫殿式的宏伟建筑,迎面所见的是高高的墙壁上一行金箔镶嵌的大字:“艺术属于人民”.现实主义的艺术创作原则,作为俄罗斯列宾美术学院的立校之本,已走过漫长的历史道路,历尽时代的风云变幻,这一崇高的艺术信念,依然引导着这里的艺术家们的创作和教学实践,他们执著地探索和耕耘,不断结出丰硕的艺术果实,赢得了极高的国际声誉.列宾美术学院的办院宗旨,明确体现在教学大纲之中,即“培养掌握描写现实生活的现实主义创作方法,具有高度造型修养,精通专业技艺的高级画家.” 其主要课题为“提高专业技巧,这包括研究自然规律、艺用解剖学、透视学、油画技法和材料工艺、造型艺术史,分析生动的物象世界中的任何现象,运用古今现实主义艺术的最高成就,使之变为艺术形象.”
When you walk into the magnificent building of this ancient castle palace style, what you see on the high wall is a line of gold foil inlaid characters: “Art belongs to the people.” Realistic artistic creation principle, as the Russian Repin Academy of Fine Arts The founding of the school, has gone through a long road to history, the era of changeable situation, this lofty artistic beliefs, still leading the artists here, the creation and teaching practice, they dedicated to exploration and hard work, continue to come to an end Rich fruit of art, has won a very high international reputation.Libin Academy of Art’s purpose is clearly reflected in the syllabus, that is, “training to master the description of real life realism creation method, with a high degree of self-cultivation, proficiency in professional Senior painter of craftsmanship. ”His main task is" to improve professional skills, which include studying natural laws, artistic anatomy, perspectives, techniques of painting and material arts, history of plastic arts, analyzing phenomena in a vivid world of objects, The highest achievements of ancient and modern realism art turned it into an artistic image.