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儿童习作是与儿童的日常生活紧密相联的,是与儿童的生命活动息息相关的。儿童的写作不是儿童生活的点缀和装饰,而是儿童的生活体验本身,是儿童用文字表达认识自然、社会和自我的创作性活动。在儿童习作教学中,笔者尤其重视儿童的“小练笔”创作,因为这种“小练笔”形式灵活,篇幅可长可短,没有题材限制。可以说,“小练笔”活动最适合儿童“生命的体验与表达”。一、“小练笔”写作的特质“小练笔”写作是儿童生活的记录,是儿童生命的流 Children’s practice is closely linked with the daily life of children and is closely related to children’s life activities. Children’s writing is not the embellishment and decoration of children’s life, but the children’s life experience itself. It is the children’s creative activity of recognizing nature, society and self with words. In the teaching of children’s practice, the author pays special attention to children’s “little practice pen” creation, because this kind of “little practice pen” has the form of flexibility, the length can be long or short, and there is no subject limitation. It can be said, “little practice pen ” activities are most suitable for children “experience and expression of life ”. First, “little practice pen ” writing characteristics “little practice pen ” writing is a record of children’s lives, is the flow of children’s lives
40岁的林女士发现,最近13岁的女儿驼背越来越严重,不仅学习的时候如此,而且连走路的时候也习惯于低头,而不是挺直腰板。那么,究竟什么是驼背呢?驼背对青少年又有哪些危害呢?  青少年驼背的原因  驼背是脊椎变形的一种,主要由于胸椎向后突起所形成的改变,驼背不光影响一个人的形体美,而且会牵拉胸部前面的韧带而影响呼吸功能。  青少年的骨骼有机物成分较多,这样的骨骼韧性较好,具有较大的可塑性,若不注意坐立
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