在我国古代民俗建筑或家用器物上,常可见到一种八宝图,美观大方,吉祥如意,寓意深刻,别有情趣。 建筑八宝图中的八宝,指的是和盒、玉鱼、鼓板、磬、龙门、灵芝、松、鹤八种祥瑞之物,大都出现在居室的门楣砖雕、门扇屏风上。八宝图以神话传说为依据,各自含有特定的意义。 和盒:旧时汉族民间的一种喜盒,为六角形,盒上绘有和合二仙,其形象为两个蓬头绿衣童子,一手执荷花,一手捧和盒,作为财富丰厚,取之不竭的象征,又有夫妻恩爱,和好合一之意。 玉鱼:即双鱼,它的由来历史悠久,早在新石器时代的彩陶上就有双鱼纹,以后各代有双鱼瓶、双鱼壶,洞房窗纸也有双鱼戏水等,谐音为“连年有余”、“吉庆有余”,双鱼表示夫妻和好,子孙兴旺和富足长乐。 鼓板:又叫檀板、拍板,打击乐器,由三块宽约6公分、长约20公分的红木或黄杨木制成。分二组,前组二块木板,后组一块木板,二者以绳联接,以辅助小皮鼓指挥其它乐曲,习惯上称鼓
In China’s ancient folk architecture or household utensils, there is often a kind of eight-treasure map, which is beautiful, generous, auspicious, meaningful, and interesting. Eight treasures in the Eight Diagrams of the Architecture refer to eight kinds of auspicious objects such as boxes, jade fish, drums, cymbals, gantry, reishi, pine, and cranes. Most of them appear on the door sill bricks and door screens of the living room. Babao maps are based on myths and legends and each contains specific meanings. Boxes: A box of old Chinese Han folks, in the form of a hexagon, with a Hehe Erxian painted on the box. The image is two green boys, one hand and Lotus, one hand and box. Inexhaustible symbol, there is also husband and wife love, and good intentions. Jade Fish: This is Pisces. It has a long history. As early as in the neolithic pottery, there were double fishes. In later generations there are Pisces and Pisces, and there are also Pisces and water in the opening window. The homonym is “more than a year in a row.” “More than lucky,” Pisces said that the couple is reconciled and the children and grandchildren are prosperous and rich in Changle. Drum plate: Also known as sandalwood, clapper board, and percussion instrument, it consists of three blocks of mahogany or boxwood, each about 6 centimeters wide and about 20 centimeters long. Divide into two groups, the first group of two wooden boards, the latter group of wooden boards, the two connected by rope, to assist the small drums to direct other music, customary drums