建构一种全新的、普遍性的马克思主义阐释学是当代欧美最重要的新马克思主义学者弗·詹姆逊的主要理论雄心之一。从理论渊源上讲 ,他所要求的这种包容一切的马克思主义阐释学与中世纪基督教经典阐释体系有着千丝万缕的联系。探讨詹姆逊的马克思主义阐释学与中世纪基督教经典阐释体系之间的可能联系 ,既有助于理解、把握詹姆逊的马克思主义阐释学的基本特征 ,也可以为我们建构当代形态的文艺理论体系提供提示与借鉴。
Constructing a new and universal Marxist hermeneutics is one of the major theoretical ambitions of contemporary European and American Marxist scholar F. Jameson. From a theoretical point of view, the all-inclusive Marxist hermeneutics he demanded has inextricably linked with the medieval Christian classics interpretation system. To explore the possible connection between Jameson’s Marxist hermeneutics and the medieval Christian classics interpretation system is not only helpful for understanding and grasping the basic characteristics of Jameson’s Marxist hermeneutics but also for us to construct the contemporary form of literary theory System to provide tips and references.