近年来,一直为学术界广泛关注的明长城“北京结”,最近经有关部门和专家确认,在怀柔县沙峪乡境内。 举世瞩目的万里长城,是我国古代重要的军事防御设施,被称为世界奇迹。自秦以来,我国历史上有过几次大规模修建长城的活动,至今保存较为完好的明代长城,是历史上修建工程最大、时间最长、做工最精的长城。其中作为拱卫京师和皇陵的北京段长城,总长六百多公里,用料精细,构筑雄伟,有许多闻名于世的雄关隘口,可谓是万里长城之精华。北京段长城多修在崇山峻岭上,占据要冲路口,不但有直接的军事防御作用,也有很高的观光价值。
In recent years, the Great Wall “Beijing Knot”, which has been a widespread concern in academia, has recently been confirmed by relevant departments and experts in Shayu Township, Huairou County. The Great Wall attracting worldwide attention is an important military defense facility in ancient China and is known as the world miracle. Since the Qin Dynasty, there have been several large-scale activities to construct the Great Wall in the history of our country. The Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty has been preserved so far. It is the Great Wall with the largest project, the longest time, and the finest workmanship in history. Among them, the Great Wall, the section of Beijing that houses both the imperial capital and imperial mausoleum, has a total length of over 600 kilometers. The materials are fine and majestic. There are many world-famous passports, which are the essence of the Great Wall. Beijing section of the Great Wall more repair in the mountains, occupy the hub of the red, not only has a direct military defensive role, but also a high sightseeing value.