The advantages and disadvantages of the ancient color line drawing is the key to the success or failure of the ancient color decoration; while the center is the key to the pen, oil performance is the material basis of the center pen. Line drawing is the most ancient and ancient techniques of modeling the most important , The characters of ancient times, the flower feathers of “four o’clock” and the magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland are mainly manifested by the skill and artistic treatment of line drawing.And the art processing of line drawing relies on the center of pen and brush Without the pen center, there is no old spicy, calm, vigorous, vigorous iron line drawing, also lost the artistic features of the old color lines.Coming center pen is the rule of the ancient color line drawing, but also the rules of the ancient color line drawing. In this Dafa, you can use the techniques of escapement, press, stay, hide, turn, frustration, severity, speed, length, radius, thickness, etc. As long as you seriously summarize, grasp,