顺口溜,又称民谣,在我国源远流长,它从一个侧面反映了一个时代的社会生活现实。顺口溜在内容上反映的多是街头巷尾、田间地头、茶楼酒肆中久议不衰的话题,是老百姓抒恃言志、褒贬世风、议论时政、抨击时弊、表达爱憎最常用的方式之一。也正是从这个意义上,人们常说“民意闲谈中”、“上山下山问渔樵,要知民意听民谣”。顺口溜莫不关乎世风人心,莫不传达百姓恃绪。历代统冶者为了维护巩固其统冶,大都注意从顺口溜中了解“民意”。 民谣是一面镜子,它从一个侧面反映出我们社会现实生活中的某些焦点问题,这些问题老百姓感受极深,渴望解决,我们的政府部门如果忽视它、漠视它,就有违我们全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,有时甚至会付出沉重的代价。 本刊特辟《当代顺口溜》专栏,欢迎广大读者踊跃投稿。
Jingle, also known as folk, has a long history in our country and reflects the social reality of an era from one aspect. Jingle is mostly reflected in the content of the streets, the fields, restaurants and restaurants in the long-standing topic, which is one of the most common ways for ordinary people to express their opinions, praise and disparage the world, talk about current affairs, criticize the current problems and express love and hate. It is also in this sense that people often say that people want to talk about folk songs when they go down hill and ask for fishermen’s firewood. Yogi mo does not care about the worldly human, can not convey the people resentment. In order to maintain and consolidate their reunification, most dynasties allied themselves to understanding “public opinion” from jingle. Folk ballads are a mirror that reflects some of the focal issues in real life of our society from one side. These people feel deeply and are eager to solve their problems. If our government neglects it and ignores it, it would violate our desire of serving the people wholeheartedly The purpose of service, sometimes even pay a heavy price. This publication features “contemporary jingle” column, welcome readers enthusiastic submission.