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根据国家统计局数字,今年10月我国社会消费品零售总额为18934亿元。以此计算,10月每天零售总额为611亿,这意味着仅阿里巴巴一家的销售额,占当天社会消费品零售总额的比例就达到了31.2%。不过在记者看来,更不容忽视的是移动支付在此次双十一中的崛起之势。11月11日0到1点,有近700万用户涌入手机支付宝平台,支付宝交易额突破1亿元;凌晨1点36分,手机支付宝交易额即达到去年双十一全天手机支付宝交易额的2倍;下午1点36分,手机支付交易额达到5.2亿元,刷 According to the figures of the National Bureau of Statistics, the retail sales of consumer goods in China totaled 1.8934 trillion yuan in October this year. In this calculation, the total retail sales in October amounted to 61.1 billion yuan, which means that only Alibaba’s sales accounted for 31.2% of the total retail sales of social consumer goods. However, it seems to reporters, but also can not be ignored is the rise of mobile payment in the double eleven trend. At 0:00 on November 11, nearly 7 million users poured into the platform of mobile phone Alipay, Alipay transaction volume exceeded 100 million yuan; 1:36 am, the mobile phone Alipay transaction volume reached the previous year’s double-eleven day mobile Alipay transaction amount 2 times; 1:36 pm, the mobile payment transaction volume reached 520 million yuan, brush
仿佛是一场击鼓传花的游戏,游戏中的那朵花已传向产业链的最末端光伏电站。仍然是大规模引进、疯狂建设,参与者寄希望于终端市场的兴起将库存下移,尽管难以并网的问题仍待解决。  并不了网,就发不了电,电站建了也只能“晒太阳”。资本热浪催生出中国30GW(十亿瓦特)的光伏产能,而全球的需求仅25GW。损失惨重的投资人最先反省,是否从一开始就不该参与这场依赖于政府补贴的“虚拟盛宴”?  为了帮助光伏企业“过冬
A field experiment about effects of nitrogen application rates and different NO3-N to NH4-N ratios on agronomic, chemical and biological characteristics as well
RAPD analysis was applied in studying the classification and genetic relationship of 12 cultivars of Gladiolus hybridus Hort. Twenty-six arbitrary primers scree
Two kinds of methods RT-PCR and IC-PCR were used to detect pathogen of virus disease of pumpkin and the sensitivity of the two methods was compared. The results
11月19日对于英特尔来说是个大日子。这一天,摩托罗拉移动技术公司高级副总裁兼大中华区总裁孟樸和英特尔公司全球副总裁中国区总裁杨叙,共同宣布两家公司合作。杨叙还透露,英特尔即将带来下一代架构,即英特尔将全部转向做系统级芯片。  同时,英特尔总部还对外宣布,其高层的人员调整。无论从产品规划还是管理架构,英特尔正主动进行全方位的改变。  19日当天,英特尔联合摩托罗拉以及中国移动共同推出这款名为“新锋
To study biological activities of Duck Interferon Alpha (DuIFN-α) and prepare antivirus medicine, the eukaryotic expression vector of mature polypeptide of Duc
仿佛一夜间,名不见经传的新锐媒体迅速崛起,这当中发生了什么?  仿佛在一夜之间,曾经风生水起的IT、数码、经济报刊遇到了空前的读者流失,甚至连老牌的互联网垂直门户也骤然走向衰落。36氪、虎嗅网、爱范儿、雷锋网……一个个名不见经传的新锐媒体迅速崛起,像一块块巨大的吸眼球石,在吞噬着读者的注意力。这中间到底发生了什么?  许多业界人士对此大惑不解,有位IT媒体老大一手拿着自己的文章,一手拿着新媒体的文
An experiment was conducted to study the influence of early quantitative feed restriction on the performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. Tw
数据浪潮汹涌而至,摩尔定律、普适计算、数据挖掘、社交媒体正强烈影响着我们的生活,在“大数据”的现实情景中,个人行为选择的参照系如何?“大数据”又为公共管理和商业创新带来何种机遇和挑战?“大数据”如何在中国落地?针对上述命题,上周日,第一财经·悦读会携手广西师范大学出版社·理想国,与嘉宾《大数据》作者涂子沛、贝格数据总裁李常青在复旦大学围绕“看得见的未来”这一命题进行讨论。  《大数据》讲述了美国半