在拉丁美洲三大文明中,印加文化(Inca Civilization)的金属工艺发展最早、最发达。这是因为安第斯山区(Andes)有大量金、银、铜等矿产的缘故。早在二千多年前,这一区域即有冶金术,至公元前后,各种神庙建筑中都附有金制神像,如太阳神庙里的金球、金座等。2至3世纪,金属工艺品的种类大为增加,技艺亦相当精美。之后,金属工艺、特别是黄金工艺发展迅速,不仅作为宗教活动中的用品,而且广泛运用于日常生活,涌现出大量精美绝伦的制品。 考古学家在今哥伦比亚(Colombia)境内发掘出大量印加文明的金属工艺制品,不仅造型丰富多变,且做工精致入微。尤其是作为贵金属工艺的黄金细工作品,反映了古代美洲金属工艺的艺术风貌和制作水平。这些作品按其出土地和制作风格大致可分为以下八个类型: 一、卡利马(Calima)型(2—10世纪) 卡利马型的黄金细工以饰物和佩饰品居多。造型富于变化,纹饰较为抽象。制作手法以锻金和雕金为主。常见的品种有面具、发饰、耳饰、鼻饰、首饰、戒指、胸饰以及胸针等,尚有少量的仪式用品。然而,最
Among the three major civilizations in Latin America, Inca Civilization has the earliest and most developed metal technology. This is because the Andes have a lot of gold, silver, copper and other minerals. As early as two thousand years ago, there was metallurgy in this area. Before the year of the BCE, gold statues were attached to various temple buildings, such as the Golden Ball and the Gold Seat in the Sun Temple. From the second to the third century, the types of metal handicrafts have greatly increased, and their skills have been quite exquisite. Since then, metal crafts, especially the gold craft, have developed rapidly. They have not only been used as supplies in religious activities, but also widely used in daily life. A great number of exquisite products have emerged. Archaeologists unearthed a large number of Inca civilized metal craftworks in Colombia today. They are not only rich in style but also sophisticated in workmanship. Especially as a fine gold work of precious metal works, reflecting the ancient American metal art style and production level. These works can be broadly classified into the following eight types according to the style of their land and their production: I. Calima type (2-10th century) The Kalima type goldsmith is mostly decorated with ornaments and accessories. Rich shape changes, ornamentation is more abstract. Production methods to gold and gold-based sculpture. Common varieties are masks, hair accessories, earrings, nose ornaments, jewelry, rings, pectoral and brooches, etc., there are still a small amount of ritual supplies. However, most