从平原湖区大量的轴流泵流量计算的实际需要出发,力求计算公式简便、计算迅速、且便于微机运算,作者以数值逼近理论为依据,引入样条插值函数——现代函数逼近的一个十分活跃的分支〔其基本特征在于:它是由分片光滑函数通过一些关键点(样条结点)适当联接而成〕——对流量扬程曲线(一条无具体解析表达式的曲线)进行逼近,以求得其流量值。在泵型已定、转速 n 和叶片安装角β为定值的情况下,泵的流量扬程曲线亦随之定型。因此,采用样条函数逼近并恰当地选择扦值区间,这种计算流量的方法,效果是好的。
Based on the actual needs of a large number of axial flow pump flow calculation in the plain Lake area, the calculation formula is simple, rapid calculation and easy to operate computer. Based on numerical approximation theory, the author introduces a spline interpolation function - a very active approximation of modern functions The basic characteristic of this branch is that it is formed by the smooth function of the patch connected by some key points (spline nodes). The approximation of the flow head curve (a curve without specific analytic expression) Find the flow value. In the pump has been set, the speed n and the blade installation angle β for the value of the case, the pump flow head curve will be followed. Therefore, using the spline function to approximate and properly select the slice interval, the method of calculating the flow is effective.