蘇聯政治與科學知識普及協會主席奥巴林同志: 驚悉全世界勞動人民的偉大领袖和導師斯大林同志不幸逝世,我代表本會全體會員,以萬分悲痛的心情表示深切的哀悼。斯大林同志的逝世,是全世界勞動人民極沉痛的損失,我們中國科學界和中国人民一起,決心和蘇聯科學界與蘇聯人民,更加緊密地團結一致,為更加發展中蘇兩國的偉大友誼、保衛世界和平而奮鬥到底。
Comrade Obalin, Chairman of the Association of Soviet Union for Political Science and Scientific Popularization: Comrade Stalin, who was shocked by the great leaders and tutors of the working people throughout the world, passed away in an unfortunate death. On behalf of all the members of this Council, I would like to express my deepest condolences. The death of Comrade Stalin was a tremendous loss to the working people throughout the world. We, the Chinese scientific community, together with the Chinese people, are determined to work more closely together with the Soviet scientific community and the people of the Soviet Union in order to further develop the great friendship between China and the Soviet Union, Strive for peace in the world.