体育总局: 奥运会结束之后,自从传出“袁局长明年不再兼任足协主席”以来,江湖上关于“中国足协主席之争”骤见热闹,各种版本纷纷见诸媒体,大有愈演愈烈之势。值此中国足坛群雄并起、诸侯割据而又群龙无首之际,本人虽一介村妇,愿当中国足协主席,为振兴中国足球尽匹妇之力。理由如下:
General Administration of Sport: Since the end of the Olympic Games, since the rumors that “Yuan Yuan will no longer serve as chairman of the Football Association next year”, there have been a series of vying debates on the “dispute over the chairman of the Chinese Football Association”. On the occasion of the Chinese football team-mashing together, vassal separatist and leaderless, I though a village woman, willing to be president of the Chinese Football Association, to rejuvenate the power of Chinese women’s basketball. The reasons are as follows: