这些天,我们无锡正在申办特大城市,作为一个小公民,我非常高兴。申办特大城市,市容、市貌,都要有大改观,市民素质也亟须提高。可许多无 锡人连普通话都不会讲,这样怎么行 呢?对了,最近假日小队没主题,何不 以“做一回普通话教练”为题搞活动 呢?好,说干就干。但是我一个人太少 了,还是召集小区里的小伙伴吧。我们 商定:教一些退休在家的爷爷奶奶们 学普通话。至于教什么,就先从教“我 是无锡人”开始吧。
These days, we in Wuxi are bidding mega-cities. As a small citizen, I am very happy. To apply for mega-cities, city appearances and city appearances, great changes must be made and the quality of citizens also urgently needed to be improved. Many Wuxi people can not even speak Mandarin, so how to do it? Yes, the recent holidays squad no theme, why not “do a back to Putonghua coach” for engaging in activities? Well, that do. However, I am a person too little, or call a small community in the community it. We agreed: teach some grandparents who retire at home to learn Mandarin. As for what to teach, we should start teaching “I am Wuxi”.