
来源 :河南税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CT1978
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曾几何时,“工程”二字显得有些扎眼,什么“整改工程”、“优化工程”、“民心工程”等等泛滥得无边无沿,让人心里添烦。然而,时下,周口市地税局实施的“一·二五”工程,却犹如一缕清风令人赏心阅目,她以深入贯彻“三个代表”重要思想为推动剂,以组织地税收入为主线,以带好队伍为基础,目标明确,工作扎实,步步取得实实在在、看得见、摸得着的效果。七月流火,记者顶着高温,冒着酷暑,一颗不可不去采访的心催促我们踏上了赴周口的行程…… Once upon a time, the word “engineering” seemed a little bit glaring. What “rectification project”, “optimization project”, “popular project” and so on was so rampant. However, nowadays, the “1-25” project implemented by the Local Taxation Bureau of Zhoukou City is like a breeze to enjoy reading. Taking the important thought of “Three Represents” as the promoter and organizing the tax revenue as The main line, with a good team as the foundation, a clear goal, work solid, step by step to achieve real, visible, tangible effect. In July, the reporter was hit by heat and braved the heat. An interview heart urge us to embark on the journey to Zhoukou.