这是本人收藏的《电通画报》。 此画报创刊于上世纪三十年代,前后共出版了十三期(半月刊),从印刷技术上来看,因为是以“影写版”印刷,所以看上去比同时代一些杂志的图片要清晰得多。 从内容上来讲,《电通画报》涉及面很广泛,文字和图片比较丰富,除宣传本公司的进步影片。如《桃李劫》《风云儿女》《自由神》《都市风光》……等,同时它还有很强的专业理论特点如文章:《电影剧本编制上的特点》《有声电影的平行法与对位法》《画面构成法》《从舞台到银幕的人们》《银乐界与电影》《电影常用术语浅析》等等。差不多编、导、演,摄、录、美都涉及了,有理论的探讨,也有实践的体会。
This is my collection of “Illustrated.” This pictorial was first published in the 1930s and published thirteen periodicals (semimonthly) before and after. From a printing point of view, it was clearer than the pictures of contemporary magazines because it was printed in “ many. In terms of content, ”Dentsu Pictorial“ covers a wide range of rich text and pictures, in addition to promoting the company’s progressive video. Such as ”Peach Blitz“ ”Fengyun children“ ”Liberty God“ ”cityscape“ ...... And so on, but it also has strong professional theoretical features such as article: ”the characteristics of the movie script system“ ” Bitmap “” screen composition method “” from the stage to the screen of the people “” silver music and film “” movie terminology commonly used "and so on. Almost, guide, act, photograph, recorded, the United States are involved, there are theoretical discussions, but also practical experience.