甲胎蛋白又称AFP,它是医生在诊断疾病时,从人的血液中抽检出来的。因为肝癌病人的AFP是阳性,所以有人一听说AFP阳性,马上就谈虎色变:是肝癌!其实,这是不正确的。 甲胎蛋白阳性有许多方面的原因。本来,甲胎蛋白这种物质只有在胎儿血内才有,出生后就消失了。但是,当人患了肝炎引起肝细胞再生,或肝癌产生肝细胞恶性增殖时,这种仅仅发生在胎儿时期的正常胎肝细胞增殖现象,又会在人身上出现,这时检查人的血液就会发现AFP阳性。医学上还发现,当人患有某些生殖系统肿瘤或消化道肿瘤时,也会出
Alpha-fetoprotein, also known as AFP, is a blood test taken by a doctor when he diagnoses a disease. Because the AFP of a patient with liver cancer is positive, some people have heard of AFP positiveness immediately and talk about tiger discoloration: it is liver cancer! In fact, this is not correct. AFP is positive for many reasons. Originally, alpha-fetoprotein was found only in fetal blood and disappeared after birth. However, when a person suffers from hepatitis causing hepatocyte regeneration, or hepatocarcinogenesis produces hepatocyte malignancy, this phenomenon of normal fetal liver cell proliferation that occurs only during fetal period will occur in humans. At this time, the blood of the inspector is AFP will be found positive. It has also been found in medicine that when people have certain reproductive or tumors of the digestive tract, they will also