来源 :Journal of Tropical Meteorology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangaijjuan860610
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During the “8th Five-Year Plan” (1991~1995), a new operational mesoscale numerical predictionsystem is developed, which is called the “Regional Enhanced Numerical Prediction System”. The system possesses higher resolution (45 km grid sise in horizontal, 10 layers in vertital), as well as fullphysical processes, and can be run operationally in the Guangzhou Regional Meteorological Centre(GRMC). A plenty of experiments indicate its better performance in predicting various weather systemsaffecting the south of China, especially the typhoon and heavy rain in the “early floods stage” (annuallyspeaking). Verification of the prediction of all typhoon cases affecting the region in 1993~1995 indicatethat rainfall prediction scores of the system are obviously higher than those of the LAFS in the NationalMeteorological Centre, and track prediction error is no larger than those of NWPs in main world centressuch as the National Hurrieane Center of NOAA and the JMA. The aim of the paper is to give a generalized introduction and analysis to the system and its performance. During the “8th Five-Year Plan” (1991 ~ 1995), a new operational mesoscale numerical predictionsystem is developed, which is called the “Regional Enhanced Numerical Prediction System.” The system possesses higher resolution (45 km grid sise in horizontal, 10 layers in vertital), as well as fullphysical processes, and can be runnally in the Guangzhou Regional Meteorological Center (GRMC). A plenty of experiments indicate its better performance in predicting various weather systems affecting the south of China, especially the typhoon and heavy rain in the “early floods stage ” (annuallyspeaking). Verification of the prediction of all typhoon cases affecting the region in 1993 ~ 1995 indicativethat rainfall prediction scores of the system are obviously higher than those of the LAFS in the NationalMeteorological Center, and track prediction error is no larger than those of NWPs in main world centreuch as the National Hurrieane Center of NOAA and the JMA. The aim of the paper is to give a generalized introduction and analysis to the system and its performance.
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