每当欣赏列宾的油画《伏尔加河上的纤夫》,就想起我父亲——他是家乡串场河上的纤夫。一副纤板,一根纤绳,伴随他度过大半生。记得16岁那年,父亲递给我一根绳头,看看天,说:“你运气不错,今天顺风顺水,上路吧!” 太阳照在串场河上,父亲在前,我在后,长长的纤绳跳跃着,闪着金光,船头犁开一道道波浪,轻快地向前。没想,下午,风向突然掉转了,纤绳越绷越紧。前面是串场河和斗龙
Whenever I admire Repin’s oil painting “The Tragedy of the Volga River”, I think of my father, who is a trampoline in the homegrown river. A board, a rope, with him spent most of his life. I remember 16 years old, my father handed me a rope, take a look at the sky, said: “You are lucky, sailing today, on the road!” The sun shines on the river, his father in front of me , Long rope leaping, flashing gold, the bow plowed a wave, briskly forward. Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, the wind suddenly dropped, and the more the rope was tighter and tighter. In front of the string river and the dragon