In the early development of Sino-Russian relations, the issue of trade has always been an important starting point for the Russian government in formulating its China policy. The evolution of Russia’s official trade monopoly policy reflects the economic motivation of Russia’s implementation of its pro-China policy during this period. The dispute between officials and private citizens is a prominent phenomenon in the trade of early Russia with China. In developing trade with China, Russia has always encountered fierce competition from private traders. From its own economic interests, the government has been actively developing official trade marked by the capital trade and attempted to forcibly monopolize trade with China. However, under the laws of the market, the official trade, which was guided by the rigidly lagged administrative order, eventually lost its power to trade in private businesses with a flexible management style. Studying the formation and evolution of the official monopoly policy of the Russian government is of great significance in analyzing the deep-seated motives for the development of Sino-Russian relations in the early days and exploring the laws governing the trade development of the two countries.