In this experiment, horseradish peroxidase (30 ~ 40%) was injected into the dorsal raphe (DR) of 30 rats by microelectrophoresis to observe the afferent connection. The results are as follows: (1) In the electrophoretic region, predominantly DR animals, the labeled cells can be found in the hypothalamic lateral nucleus, the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus, the hypothalamic posterior nucleus, the fornix, the substantia nigra and the periaqueductal gray, Structure. (2) In the electrophoresis zone, animals in the second half of DR showed that the labeled cells could be found in the hypothalamic lateral nucleus, the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus, the dorsal part of hypothalamic dorsomedial nucleus, the medial part of hypothalamic ventromedial rod, the habenular nucleus, Side of the papillary body anterior nucleus, midbrain reticular formation, periventricular gray matter of the fourth ventricle, pontine reticular structure, locus coeruleus, nucleus raphe magnus. This suggests that the arcuate nucleus has fibers that project into the dorsal raphe and that the afferent connection of the dorsal raphe nucleus is extensive.