病例:患者,男,27岁。因婚后两年未育就诊,自述有正常性生活。该患者系第2胎第2产,1姐已生育一男婴正常,父母非近亲结婚,无孕期药物服用史,其母无自然流产史。本人学习成绩差,初中未毕业,脾气烦躁易怒,无耐性。体检:身高173cm,体重62 kg,体重指数22.21kg/m2,发育良好,反应一般,智力正常,寡语。
Case: Patient, male, 27 years old. Two years after marriage because of infertility treatment, readme normal sex life. The patient was the second child of the second production, a sister had a normal baby boy, parents marry non-relatives, non-pregnancy medication history, the mother had no history of spontaneous abortion. My poor academic performance, junior high school did not graduate, temper irritability, impatience. Physical examination: height 173cm, weight 62 kg, body mass index 22.21kg / m2, well-developed, reaction in general, mental normal, momentary.