
来源 :临床超声医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:squallleo2009
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患者,女,53岁,因下腹坠胀,尿频尿急,解水样大便就诊。超声检查示:子宫大小、形态正常,肌壁回声均质,内膜回声居中,于盆腔区(相当于阴道及宫颈后方)见一大小约6.6cm×3.2cm的囊实混合性包块(图1),其内以实性回声为主,形态较规则,边界清,包膜尚光整,内部呈均匀的中低回声,其周见? The patient, female, was 53 years old. He had diarrhea in the lower abdomen, had frequent micturition, and had urinary urgency. Ultrasound examination showed that the size and shape of the uterus was normal, the echo of the muscular wall was homogenous, and the echo of the intima was centered. In the pelvic region (equivalent to the posterior of the vagina and the cervix), a cystic solid mass of about 6.6 cm x 3.2 cm was seen (Figure 1), which is dominated by solid echoes, with a more regular shape, clear borders, and a well-defined envelope, with a uniform middle-low echo, and its weekdays?
INTRODUCTION E radication of Helicobacter pylori(Hp)infection isgenerally not easy.Various clinical regimens havebeen recommended in the literature.With theexpe
【正】 傅山《荀子评注》原稿草书,约三万余言.从未见于著录.写成后,即藏于祁县戴枫仲丹枫阁,后归太谷曹润堂氏.解放初期,由曹氏族孙捐献给山西省文管会.荀子是我国战国晚期
过敏性紫癜(Henoch-Schonlein purpura,HSP)是一种以全身小血管炎症为主要病变的变态反应性疾病.皮肤、胃肠道、关节和肾脏受累最常见,引起阴囊、睾丸损害发生率低,现将超声
AIM To examine whether age alone or co-morbidity is a risk factor for death in olderadults who developed Clostridium difficile(Cd)colitis during hospitalization
INTRODUCTIONIn China ,the incidence and mortality of gastric cancer rank the second among all cancers. Recent development of cancer [1-20].The aim of this study