中途退出和创业失败真的是一回事吗?越来越多的人已经意识到,失败和退出是两个完全不同的概念,中途退出创业的决定有很多是由自由意愿和非金钱因素所驱动的初创企业失败是经常发生的事。而很多人的观念认为,相对比于男性创业者而言,女性创业者似乎更容易失败。一些已有的研究也表明,女性创业者的失败率非常高。然而,我与道恩·德蒂安(Dawn R.DeT ienne)和菲利普·西格尔(Philipp Sieger)两位研究者所进行的研究,则让我们对初创企业失败的整体普遍程度以及女性的高失败率提出了自己的质疑和不同的看法。
More and more people have come to realize that failure and withdrawal are two completely different concepts. Many of the decisions to quit a business midway are based on free will and non-monetary factors The failure of driven startups is something that often happens. And many people think that female entrepreneurs seem more likely to fail than male entrepreneurs. Some existing research also shows that the failure rate of female entrepreneurs is very high. However, my research with two researchers Dawn R. DeTienne and Philipp Sieger allowed us to examine the overall prevalence of the failure of start-ups and the prevalence of women’s High failure rate raised their own questions and different views.