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徐绍清,这位湘剧生行的著名表演艺术家,早在40年前,即1952年第一届全国戏曲会演中,就以湘剧高腔《琵琶上路》的张广才的表演,获得演员一等奖。他一生塑造了众多的栩栩如生的舞台艺术形象,在湘剧高腔的唱腔、唱法及发展变化上,更有其卓越的贡献而为后人所师法。徐绍清在解放前即已成名。他演的张广才,见义勇为,正直善良,爱憎分明。在《琵琶记》中“上路”一折。突出了对赵五娘的同情、关怀、希望和隐忧。在“扫松”一折,感慨蔡家的没落,愤慨蔡伯喈的“久恋京华,不思故土”,把全部感情凝聚在最后的感叹:“只见他蔡家人去, Xu Shaoqing, a famous performing artist who lived in Xian Opera, won the first prize of the performer as early as 40 years ago, the first national drama performance in 1952, with the performance of Zhang Guangcai, the lute of Xiang Opera. His lifelong life created a large number of lifelike stage art images, singing in the high chamber of the opera, singing and development changes, more of its outstanding contribution to the post-mortem for the law. Xu Shaoqing became famous before liberation. He played Zhang Guangcai, courageous, honest and kind, love and hate clearly. In the “Pipai” in the “road” a discount. It highlights the sympathy, concern, hope and worries of Zhao Wuniang. In the “sweep loose” a discount, feeling the decline of Cai, Cai Cai anger indignant “long love Beijing, not hometown,” all the feelings in the final unwinding: "I saw him Cai family,
《爱你没商量》我看了两遍。 在该剧的审片会上,作为编剧之一,我与80多位文艺界新闻界人士一起,四天看了四十集,同别人一样又笑又哭不能自己,应当说,看片现场的反应极其热烈