Microstructure and Contact Fatigue Behavior of Nano-SiO_2/Ni Coating Prepared by Electro-Brush Pla

来源 :Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iamup
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The composite coating nano SiO 2/Ni was prepared by co depositing nano SiO 2 particles with pure nickel through electro brush plating. By taking into account the effect of microstructure, heat treatment and load on the contact fatigue life, the anti contact fatigue behavior of the composite coating was examined and compared with that of nickel coating. As a result, the contact fatigue life decreased with the increasing of load. The contact fatigue lives of nano SiO 2/Ni coating were 16.5% and 45.2% higher than those of nickel coating respectively under the loads of 60 N and 140 N, and 326.3% higher than its counterpart of nickel coating after annealed under the load of 140 N. From the SEM image of fatigue fracture, it has been observed that the fatigue fracture of the composite coating initiated in the sub surface as well as at the track surface due to the huddling of units, and propagated along the interface between grain units. The composite coating nano SiO 2 / Ni was prepared by co depositing nano SiO 2 particles with pure nickel through electro brush plating. By taking into account the effect of microstructure, heat treatment and load on the contact fatigue life, the anti contact fatigue behavior of the composite coating was examined and compared with that of nickel coating were 16.5% and 45.2% higher than those of nickel coating respectively under the loads of 60 N and 140 N, and 326.3% higher than its counterpart of nickel coating after annealed under the load of 140 N. From the SEM image of fatigue fracture, it has been observed that the fatigue fracture of the composite coating initiated in the sub surface as well as at the track surface due to the huddling of units, and propagated along the interface between grain units.
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