陈独秀是中国共产党早期领导人。过去认为他在大革命时期犯了“右倾投降主义”的错误 ,其错误集中表现在“三次大退让”。根据近年公布的共产国际档案材料 ,这三次事件中的退让政策 ,制定者均为共产国际及其驻华代表 ,陈独秀对共产国际的决定常常意见相左 ,但最后不得不服从共产国际的意见。因此 ,将陈独秀的错误定为“右倾机会主义” ,这样说更符合历史实际。
Chen Duxiu is an early leader of the Chinese Communist Party. In the past, he thought that he had made the mistake of “rightist capitulationism” during the Great Revolution. His mistake was concentrated in the “three big concessions.” According to the Communist international archives released in recent years, the concession policies in these three incidents were formulated by Comintern and its Chinese counterparts. Chen Duxiu often disagreed with the Comintern’s decision but eventually objected to the Comintern’s opinion. Therefore, Chen Duxiu’s mistake is defined as “right opportunism,” which is more in line with historical reality.