来到美国,有个特殊的感觉,就是这里的人特别注意牙齿保健。据说健康保险中专门有“牙科保险”。儿子一家三口人,几乎每月都要定期去牙科洗牙、进行一整套保健处理,不管有病没病。 那天我也跟孙女去凑热闹,想了解一下情况。 一进诊室便见正面墙上一幅醒目横联上面写着“牙齿疾病,会要人命”。一位叫麦西亚的老牙医介绍说,这就是他行医一生的心得。因为是同行,老医生高兴地翻开厚厚的一叠病历并重点地打出几个病人的幼灯片,来证实他的心得,真让我受益非浅。
Came to the United States, there is a special feeling, that is, people here pay special attention to dental care. Health insurance is said to have “dental insurance.” His son a family of three, almost every month to regular dental scaling, a set of health care treatment, whether sick or not. That day I went to join the fun with my granddaughter, would like to know about the situation. An incoming room will see a striking cross-linked front wall that says “dental disease, will require human life.” An old dentist called Mercia said that this is his experience of practicing medicine. Because it is my colleagues, the old doctor gladly opened a thick stack of medical records and focused on the shots of several patients, to confirm his feelings, I really benefit.