
来源 :中国实用医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiminis
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新形势下,医疗市场竞争日趋激烈,科技创新已成为医疗行业前进的主动力,在推进医院全面建设又快又好发展的战略中,必须大力实施科技创新,因而科研管理显得十分重要,通过有力的管理,强势推进科研工作,促进学科建设,带动人才培养,提高医疗技术水平,才能在白热化的竞争中立于不败之地。近年来,医院领导审时度势,依据国家的政策法规,结合医院的实际情况,实施了强化科研意识、加强科研管理的科技兴院战略,医院科研工作取得了明显成效,综合竞争能力明显增强。2003-2006年,在统计源以上期刊发表论文642篇,主编或副主编出版专著6部;获全军科研基金资助课题1项,浙江省科研基金资助课题5项,军区科研基金资助课题5项;获军队和浙江省科研成果17项,其中二等奖4项,医院总收入年递增21%左右,科技兴院初见成效。下面就我院在加强科研管理方面的一些做法和体会与大家作一交流。 Under the new situation, competition in the medical market is becoming increasingly fierce. Scientific and technological innovation has become the main driving force for the advancement of the medical industry. In the strategy of promoting the rapid and sound development of the comprehensive hospital construction, scientific and technological innovation must be vigorously implemented, and thus scientific research management is very important and effective. The management, strong promotion of scientific research, promote discipline construction, and promote personnel training, improve medical technology, in order to remain invincible in the white-hot competition. In recent years, hospital leaders reviewed the situation, based on national policies and regulations, combined with the actual situation of the hospital, implemented a science and technology hospital strategy to strengthen scientific research awareness and strengthen scientific research management. Hospital scientific research work has achieved remarkable results, and comprehensive competitiveness has been significantly enhanced. From 2003 to 2006, he published 642 dissertations in the journals of statistical sources, 6 editorial books published by the editor-in-chief or associate editor, 1 funded research project funded by the entire military, 5 funded research projects funded by the Zhejiang Provincial Research Fund, and 5 funded research projects funded by the military research fund. Obtained 17 military research achievements in the army and Zhejiang province, including 4 second prizes. The total hospital revenue increased by 21% year-on-year. Here are some of the practices and experiences of our institute in strengthening scientific research management.
一、红外焦平面列阵rn1.适合空间和地面应用的多色长波红外焦平面列阵技术(Latika S.R.Becker)
目的 探讨不同超声波声能辐照及微泡造影剂干预开胸比格犬在体左心室心肌二维应变变化.方法 12只健康比格犬开胸模型,随机分为 A、B 两组(每组6只).A 组:诊断超声波声能约300
这是藤本壮介事务所为法国城市蒙彼利埃设计的高层集合住宅方案,项目名为ARBRE BLANC,意为“白树”,塔楼共17层,阳台疯狂地向外“发芽”,象征着努力捕捉阳光的树叶,整个建筑
0 引言rn根据现有的,上海自1989年来分4批公布了优秀历史建筑,总量是632处,共2138栋,近480万m2其中,第1批公布的61处优秀历史建筑又被上海市政府认定为上海市文物保护单位.