Deciduous trees with high-density wood that occur in dry seasonal tropical regions respond to rainfall seasonality with synchrony in phenophases. However, they may exhibit interannual differences in synchrony and intensity of phenophases, as strategy for large variations in duration and intensity of rainfall pulses. Nevertheless, it remains unknown how phenophases of deciduous trees of the Brazilian semi-arid region respond to rainfall variations. The phenology of Cordia oncocalyx was monitored in deciduous thorny woodland (Caatinga), from April 2009 to March 2011, and was correlated with rainfall, soil humidity, temperature, and photoperiod. The rainy years 2009 and 2011 exhibited higher duration of rainfall pulses and lower frequency of interpulses, but in 2010 pulse duration and total rainfall were lower. Circular statistics showed leaf flush followed by flowering and fruiting in the rainy season, and leaf fall and seed dispersal in the dry season. Both the vegetative and reproductive phenophases respond similarly to variations in rain pulses, with adjustments in time, duration, and intensity, which were correlated with variations in rainfall and soil humidity, excluding photoperiod as a trigger. Total defoliation occurred in the driest months of each year, November to December 2009 and August to October 2010. A sporadic leaf flush in November 2010 was triggered by occasional rains. Vegeta-tive and reproductive synchronies were high in rainy years, but in 2010synchrony was low, flowering was delayed and reduced, and, despite the low fruiting, we recorded high density in the seed bank. Lower syn-chrony, temporal separation of phenophases, and storage of fruits on the ground were risk-spreading strategies used by the population in the dry year, which suggest intrapopulation variability in responses to hydric stress. We believe that this plasticity contributes to high species density in the Caatinga.