从早期的炒地段、炒设施、炒功能,到炒文化、炒概念,随着人们 生活水平的提高和市场环境的不断成熟,房地产开发已不再是满足 单一产品或功能的市场需求状态,房地产开发商已从“产品经营” 转移到“品牌经营”。 在市场竞争愈演愈烈的今天,没有品牌就没有竞争力,就会在 项目运作之前先输一步。房地产是一个地域性极强的行业,和快速 消费品行业相比,房地产行业品牌化进程相对较慢.但在成熟的地 产市场,品牌价值的作用越来越明显,深圳地产市场经过20年的发 展,房地产开发商对于品牌的理解,有着很深的內涵。从市场运作中 可以看到,地产品牌的价值、制造和维护日益重要。不仅如此,房地 产市场的红红火火,也让各行各业看好房地产开发,近年来的房地 产热不难为这种火热的局面作出诠释。
From the early fried lots, speculation facilities, speculation, speculation culture, speculation concept, as people’s living standards improve and the market environment continues to mature, real estate development is no longer to meet the needs of a single product or function of the market demand, real estate Developers have moved from “product management ” to “brand management ”. In the increasingly competitive market today, no brand will not be competitive, it will be in the operation of the project before the first step. Real estate is a highly regional industry, and the fast moving consumer goods industry compared to the real estate industry, the process of branding is relatively slow.But in the mature real estate market, the role of brand value more and more obvious, the real estate market in Shenzhen after 20 years of development , Real estate developers understand the brand, has a deep meaning. From the operation of the market we can see that the value of the real estate brand, manufacturing and maintenance is increasingly important. Not only that, the real estate market is booming, but also so that all walks of life optimistic about real estate development, real estate in recent years, heat is not difficult to make such a hot situation interpretation.