“龙虾三吃”是日常生活中的俗事 ,但它透露出来的哲学意义却是非常深刻的。人们根本无法从餐桌上直接呈现给我们的、被宰杀了并被烹饪过的“龙虾”去理解、达到那个未出场的、活生生的、真实的龙虾。传统西方哲学的主旨在于追求永恒的“在场” ,试图通过理性形式 ,从感性存在中发现纯粹的统一本质。然而 ,后现代诸哲学家如晚期的维特根斯坦和海德格尔、伽达默尔、德里达对这一病弊作出了怀疑和反思 ,以为“在场”并不具有绝对的优先权 ,它总与“不在场”相联系、相统一 ,而力倡回到真实的事情本身。
“Lobster eat three” is a commonplace in everyday life, but it revealed the philosophical significance is very profound. People simply can not understand from the tables directly presented to us, slaughtered and cooked “lobster” to reach that unobtrusive, living, real lobster. The main purpose of the traditional Western philosophy is to pursue the eternal “presence” and try to find the pure essence of unity from the perceptual existence through the rational form. However, postmodernist philosophers such as Wittgenstein and Heidegger, Gadamer and Derrida in the late years have made doubts and reflections on the pros and cons that “presence” does not have absolute priority and that it always And “not present” linked to unity, and force advocated back to the real thing itself.